Looking for Full Stack Yii2 developer

About us

Factopedia is a free, open database with classified information about different objects around us. Where people can compare objects among each other. This database is created and moderated by the volunteers around the world. Everyone can add or edit something, everyone can participate in database creation.

Job Description

Factopedia is looking for an experienced Fullstack Developer that will work with us as a full-time/part-time developer and be responsible for developing new features.


- Strong experience in Yii2
- Extensive experience in PHP, MySQL, Sphinx, Memcached, Docker, JavaScript, HTML & CSS
- Experience with REST API development
- Russian language speaking
- Good English skills

How to Apply

Please send your CV to factopedia2019 -at- outlook dot com or send me a private message


I would be glad to assist you.
Sent you email with details. Please check it.

Lauren W

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I can assist you. It would be great if we can have a skype/zoom call for detailed discussion.
Please let me know the best suitable time.

Kind Regards

send me an email please

Yes, I have sent it. it’s from maria.j@talentsfromindia.com.
Please check and let me know your thoughts :slight_smile:

Hi @tonykor ,
Hope you’re doing well.
If you are still looking for the same. I can help you with the same.
M.ail send from jennifer (dot) wrexim (at) g.mail (dot) com
Please go through it and share your feedback.
Thanks & Regards,
Jennifer :slight_smile:

Aye you still looking for Yii2 Developers. I have more than 5 years of experience in yii2 development with fluent knowledge of boostrap, css ,mysql. html, etc. I am working as freelancers basis. You can contact us using the skype = tanveer.abbas370 ,email =abbastanveer392@gmail.com ,whatsapp =00923006053362 .