Looking for Developer to expand Website (Preffer Germans)

I am looking for a developer who writes extensions for my website.

i use https://youdate.website/ as my dating platform.

in this script extensions are used as plugins. i want to have all extensions as plugins.

you can dm me or let your skype contact here

Kindly add me on Skype live:.cid.90f586b3d40e2365


I can help you. Please add me on Skype: cis.vincent
Thanks, Vincent

Aye you still looking for Yii2 Developers.
I have more than 5 years of experience in yii2 development with fluent knowledge of boostrap,
css ,mysql. html, etc. I am working as freelancers basis.
You can contact us using the skype = tanveer.abbas370 ,whatsapp =00923006053362 .Thanking you.