Looking for a remote job (part time or full time)

Hello all
I’m looking for a job or a project to work on.
I have more than 8 years of experience in PHP and web developing.
I’m expert in Yii2 and I have +5 years of experience in Yii2.
I’m freelancer now, so I have time to work part time or full time.

My Skills:
PHP – Yii2 framework
Nodejs– NestJs
Microservices – OOP – design patterns – SOLID - RESTFUL
Docker – Docker-compose – NATS
Bootstrap 4 , 3
TypeScript – ES6 – JS - JQUERY
Git - testing (acceptance, functional, unit test)

Here is my CV please check it

If you need a motivated, fast learner, problem solver and Yii2 experienced developer, Just email me on : masoudvatandoost1@gmail.com
Thanks to helping me to find a job :pray:

Best Regards

Added you on linkedin

vatandoost maybe we can work together on some projects ?