Looking for a developer for a site using Yii2 and PHP MySQL

Please message me if you are available, trying to improve the api speed and add an admin/dashboard.



Hi Mike,

I can help.
Sent you PM. Kindly check it.

Lauren W.

Hello Mike. I would like to know more about the task

Hi Mike ,
I am interested to discuss further
Please connect with API details
eMail - deepvyas71@gmail.com


Hi ,

Aye you still looking for Yii2 Developers.
I have more than 5 years of experience in yii2 development with fluent knowledge of boostrap,
css ,mysql. html, etc. I am working as freelancers basis.
You can contact us using the skype = tanveer.abbas370 ,email =abbastanveer392@gmail.com ,whatsapp =00923006053362 .Thanking you.