Look for Yii Part-time job which can work remotely

Hi guys,

I’m looking for a part-time job as a Yii developer. Which I need to be able to work remotely.

My objective why I look for a job.

  • Improve myself in developing in Yii with professional team (I don’t have much people working with Yii nearby me).

  • Contribute my idea to a cool project. I really want to put my idea out in the real world since my regular work is internal web application.

  • Get something to do in free time.

  • Get some cash (of cause :D).

Here is my experiences.

  • Experience working with Yii for almost 3 years (Look at my user’s join date :D). (Overall programming experience about 5 years)

  • Understanding in MVC (of cause) and others Yii’s features such as Form, Validation, Module, Authentication, Extension, Internationalization, Soap Web Service, Unit Test, Functional Test, Theme, Widget, Migration, Logging.

  • Experience working with jQuery and jQuery UI as well as other jQuery plugin, and also understand JSON.

  • Others programming skill such as .Net MVC, Entity Framework, .NET WCF Service.

  • Database experience is MySQL and MSSQL.

  • Web server experience is Apache and IIS.

  • Able to working under Linux and Window Server.

  • Experience working with SVN.

  • Able to do some CSS as well as photoshop.

My working style

  • I’m willing to learn, adapt and contribute.

  • I’m able to work under SCRUM.

A little Q&A

Q : Why remotely?

A : It is very easy for me to work from home and I can work for any one in the world without travel to work place.

Q : How much time do I have in free time?

A : Well probably 10-15 hours a week but can’t really say much depends on project

Q : What is my $ per hour?

A : Ah… I don’t really have a standard. It is really depends on so many thing. We can talk.

Q : How professional am I?

A : Can’t really say much. I’m good enough to work for my regular works which is Ok I think. I am really want to find that out. And I’m really want to be better! But I think I can contribute something.

Interest in me

Leave a comment or PM me.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for reading :D

Hi, I am lookling for some talent that can help with Yii development of a custom CMS style web app. 5-10, possibly 20 hours per week on a per project basis. (possibility of sporradic work)

If you would like to talk please contact me and provide an email or phone # where you can be reached.

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Hi! I can help you develop your project. I have three years of experience in developing complex applications. If the work is still relevant, write to me in
Telegram: @DenDevin
Skype: dendevinn
Email: dendevinn@gmail.com

Hi! We have an interesting project, international pet search community pet911.ru.
Hard skills: Yii2+jquery, aditional AngularJS, VueJS, Laravel.
If it is interesting for you, or maybe anyone else, please reply to