Logging In Yii Framework

I am unable to see my logging message in my Yii application Could you please suggest me how to render the log to the weblog viewer.







				'levels'=>'error, warning',


			// uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages




                                    'levels'=>'trace, info, error, warning, vardump',





method of calling log function

            Yii::log('image is converted and upload successfully','trace','system.CModule');

But I can not see my message in the weblogroute. I am using chrome. Do I need to use anyother browser.

Have you tried to leave out the ‘categories’ selection?

Yes I did, but it is not working.

do you have ‘log’ component in ‘preload’ section of config file? it is needed for logging mechanism to work properly.

also - you have configured weblogroute - check if action you are calling is not AJAX request which output is hidden. weblogroute will work only for requests that display its output in browser.

Yes it is enabled.

// preloading 'log' component


but I can not see the result in the web browser.


Ashish Tyagi