localizing yii app

I am looking for a php framework that allows me to have a ‘core’ section with the main implementation and mouldes and a ‘custom’ section that allows me to have overridden methods of core and customized html

for example in core i will have

Controller.php with actions create,delete

View.php with html/php

and in the ‘custom’ will have

Controller.php with action create only


View.php with html/php

The framework then ‘scans’ both core and custom for files in the same path structure and in the example above the Controller.php executed will have delete from core and create from custom while view.php will be from custom.

Does yii allow that ?

Themes seem to be what you describe:


Localization is handled like this:


No is not…

I think i should make a more complicated example

core/ControllerA.php @ create , edit , delete , update , list , view

core/ControllerB.php @ create , edit , delete , update , list , view

core/ViewA.php @ not sure if CI uses functions or classes for render , please advice


The above is going to be the core product and below will be the "customized" overrides for each customer which can be none or all

Customer A

custom/ControllerA.php @ create , edit

custom/ViewA.php , a customized view for customer 

Customer B

[no files]

Customer C [all core/ files and methods are overriden]

custom/ControllerA.php @ create , edit , delete , update , list , view

custom/ControllerB.php @ create , edit , delete , update , list , view

custom/ViewA.php @ not sure if CI uses functions or classes for render , please advice


All the files in custom/* above inherit from files in core/ [please clarify for the views if can inherit]

What is executed for each customer

Customer A

custom/ControllerA.php @ create , edit

core/ControllerA.php @ delete , update , list , view

core/ControllerB.php @ create , edit , delete , update , list , view

custom/ViewA.php , a customized view for customer


Customer B

executes whatever is in core/*

Customer C

executes whatever is in custom/*

For the above scenarios i assume as well , models , property fails, configuration etc.

Would be be possible to have PHPUnit on this as well ?

If you want different functions/permissions, have a look at RBAC:


Don’t “customize” controllers, you’re going to maintenance hell.