Localize/i18n controller and action names in URL

Hi all,

Is it possible to localize (i18n) the name of controllers and actions in the URL?


http://yiiproject/site/login - in English

http://yiiproject/site/belepes - in Hungarian

These are call the site/login action.

http://yiiproject/site/about - in English

http://yiiproject/site/rolunk - in Hungarian

These are call the site/about action.

I need this feature for Seo.

'rules' => [


	'class' => 'yii\web\GroupUrlRule',

	'prefix' => '',

	'routePrefix' => '',

	'ruleConfig' => [

  	'class' => 'yii\web\UrlRule',

  	'defaults' => ['language' => 'hu'],


	'rules' => [

  	'/' => 'site/index',

  	'belepes' => 'site/login',

  	'rolunk' => 'site/about',




  'class' => 'yii\web\GroupUrlRule',

  'prefix' => 'en',

  'routePrefix' => '',

  'ruleConfig' => [

	'class' => 'yii\web\UrlRule',

	'defaults' => ['language' => 'en'],


  'rules' => [

	'/' => 'site/index',

	'login' => 'site/login',

	'about' => 'site/about',



\yii\helpers\Url::toRoute(['site/login', 'language' => \Yii::$app->language]);

It will generate URLs like ‘/belepes’ and ‘en/login’.