Listdata From Model In Filters With Custom Input


I have some cgridview table. I search my records using filters. Everything works fine. But I have one column hour_report with default values 1, 2, 3, 4.

Filtering from model with listdata works fine, code below:


    'header'=>'Report from',




This list returns me as input all fields from column hour_report ie. 1,2,3,4.

How can I add to listdata or to dropdownlist two custom inputs, so list as input should be like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1-2, 3-4.

Custom input 1-2 should return me all records which contains all 1 and 2.

Custom input 1-2 should return me all records which contains all 3 and 4.

I still haven’t found an answer.

When I manually try to add my custom inputs like this:


'header'=>'Report from',



                ''=>'All', ('1' || '2')=>'Daily',('3' || '4')=>'Nightly'),


cGridView works. It is searching values 1,2,3,4,All but 1-2, 3-4 doesn’t display properly.

Can I use operators like OR AND in filters?

You have to add the conditions for 1-2 and 3-4 in the models search() method.


'header'=>'Report from',



                ''=>'All', ('1-2')=>'Daily',('3-4')=>'Nightly'),


public function search()


$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

                if($this->hour_report == '1-2')               

                  $criteria->addCondition("(hour_report=1 OR hour_report=2)"); 

                elseif($this->hour_report == '3-4')                

                  $criteria->addCondition("(hour_report=3 OR hour_report=4)"); 




                  ... other compare columns ....


		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




Maybe better use integer values as keys 12 and 34 as keys for Daily/Nightly,

because of validation hour_report -> integer ?


'header'=>'Report from',



                ''=>'All', ('12')=>'Daily',('34')=>'Nightly'),


Add the compare conditions for 12 and 34 in the model search() method:

public function search()


  $criteria=new CDbCriteria;

  if($this->hour_report == 12)

      $criteria->addCondition('(hour_report=1 OR hour_report=2)')  

  elseif($this->hour_report == 34)

      $criteria->addCondition('(hour_report=3 OR hour_report=4)')   



   ... other compare conditions ...



Thank You Joblo,

it works very good.