Links Without $_Get

Hey …

Is it possible to declare links with a $_POST instead of $_GET.

Example: CHtml::link(XXX, array("user", "id"=>1))

Result: xxxx/user?id=3

But i don’t want that the user can see the ID. I wanna send the ID with a post-message.

Same Problems in Grids.

Thx for your help!


I found something and changed my delete function in the controller (ir works)

echo CHtml::link(‘Delete’, ‘#’, array(



but how can I change it in the Grids with the cbuttoncolumns. Do I have to change it manually?

I found some options in the CButtonColumn. I Changed but i didn’t work.

deleteButtonOptions=> array(‘submit’ => array(‘XXX/delete’), ‘params’=>array(‘id’=>‘10’), ‘confirm’ => ‘Are you sure?’)

deleteButtonUrl ???

Dear Friend

By default uses $_GET for action parameter binding.If you want to change that we have to override

CController::getActionParams. in the particular controller.

public function getActionParams()


		return $_GET;



public function getActionParams()


		return $_GET+$_POST;

