Link css and js using AppAsset.php

I’ve got my css and js files in web/css web/js folders respectively. I want to include them using AppAsset.php, which goes something like this:

class AppAsset extends AssetBundle
    public $basePath = '@webroot';
    public $baseUrl = '@web';
    public $css = [
        // "css/bootstrap.min.css",
    public $js = [
        // "js/jquery.js",
        // "js/bootstrap.min.js",
    public $depends = [

and in my layouts/main.php I register it like this:


/* @var $this \yii\web\View */
/* @var $content string */

use app\widgets\Alert;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\bootstrap\Nav;
use yii\bootstrap\NavBar;
use yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs;
use app\assets\AppAsset;

<?php $this->beginPage() ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>

My styles doesn’t appear. Can you point out my error?

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Do you have a complete HTML document in layouts/main.php or just what you show above?

Do you have a complete HTML document in layouts/main.php or just what you show above?

It’s the very top of the php file and, yes it’s a complete html file, just no begin/endBody() function calls yet. I’ll make an online php sandbox to show what exactly is happening inside those files.

Seems like it was something related to beginBody() endBody() missing methods.

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These are the methods Yii use to inject JS in your page.
Make sure you also call head() inside your <head> section.