License For Redactor Imperavi

I don’t think it can ever be solved.

Take for instance Ogre3d where I am involved: I’ve totally lost count of the many GUI libraries created for that engine.

I’ve been seeing scene editors come and go. And I’ve worked on a scene editor project for a long time.

Still, people are starting scene editor projects, and canceling them almost as quickly…

Very few people contribute to any existing project.

I guess, people want to do their thing.

Which is not ideal.

But human.

I mean: since no one is getting paid for anything, people generally don’t want to be part of teams with rules, etc.

I think.

Open source moves in mysterious ways sometimes (read: all the time!). ;)

That reminds me of …

each and every day someone releases a new, revolutionary responsive grid … :)



LOL! :]

Painful, but true! :]

Given that the editor has a lot of bugs, how can we report this bugs? On the official website requires a login and password to log into the Client Office