

This is my own website, a hobby site.

It presents Lego Technic sets for discuss with forum (called "Csevegő"), news from Lego (called "Hírek"), and some joke, funny under "Napi +1".

It’s language Hungarian, but You can check it’s structure!

Please comment it!!!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I didn’t understand one single word but I like the site ;) … good job Janoo !


Well done!

nice work man!! ^^

Thank you very much

There was not enough time to design, I doing it now piece by piece, when I have a bit free time :frowning:

I guess, its about 2-3 week to get a bit better design.

For example: the next is the sidebar (it has a bit list style now :slight_smile:

and the footer, that is too simply :frowning:

sorry for bad english


good work,

+1 for this.