Hi All,
I thought of sharing something that I just made. I needed a pager in Yii that would work something like lazy loading. I scoured the internet but didn’t find anything suitable. Then I came across few articles which would work as the basis for lazy loading. To make the pager, I did the following:
extended CBasePager
extended CListView
created a view which just showed items
modified the controller function to return paginated data with ajax
The articles I have followed are:
Extending CListView
Partial rendering in CListView
- Creating new Pager:
I extended CBasePager class just to create a LOAD MORE button. I have put a span element instead of a tag since a tag would refresh the grid every time it is clicked. The code is as follows:
* class TOCPager
* - extend pager to make pager for TOC for content
* - add
class exPager extends CBasePager
public function run()
$currentPage = $this->currentPage;
$pageCount = $this->pageCount;
if($currentPage < $pageCount)
list($controller, $action) = explode('/', Yii::app()->urlManager->parseUrl(Yii::app()->request));
$theUrl = Yii::app()->request->url;
echo '
<div class="load-msg">
<input type="hidden" id="pgNumber" value="'.($currentPage+1).'"/>
<span id="paginator">LOAD MORE...</span>
$cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
$script = '
var containerElement = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr("id");
var itemsList = $(this).parent().parent().prev();
var nextPage = $(this).prev().val()*1;
var pageCount = '.$pageCount.'*1;
var pgNumber = $(this).prev();
$(itemsList).append(returnData); //append the content
if(pgNumber.val() == pageCount)
$("#paginator").parent().attr("style", "display:none;");
$cs->registerScript('#script', $script, CClientScript::POS_READY);
- Next, I extended CListView just to return the items, not with wrapping tags. The code is as follows:
class PlainCListView extends CListView
public $preItemsTag = '';
public $postItemsTag = '';
public function renderItems()
echo $this->preItemsTag."\n";
$render=$owner instanceof CController ? 'renderPartial' : 'render';
foreach($data as $i=>$item)
if($j++ < $n-1)
echo $this->separator;
echo $this->postItemsTag."\n";
public function run()
- Thirdly, I created a small view that uses previously created PlainCListView for showing the list. An example of the view is as follows:
$this->widget('application.widgets.PlainCListView', array(
'viewData'=>array('userForumStatus'=>$userForumStatus, 'isLocked'=>$isLocked),
- Lastly, in the controller, I have followed the idea presented here. My sample code is as follows:
if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest && isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] === $listID)
$this->renderPartial('_posts_list_nopager', array(
'posts' => $posts,
'listID' => $listID,
So, when you run everything, you will get a pager ‘LOAD MORE’ at the bottom of the list. If you click it, additional rows/items will be appended to the existing items block.
I hope this is helpful to everybody. I had hell of a time searching for right materials for this.