Large-scale Freelance Job Opportunity

We need to quickly build a controlled survey module with custom workflows and multiple roles. This should be highly customizable, flexible and scalable module that can handle very heavy loads. Request quotes from the freelancers who has

  1. Experience in handling large-scale engagements in PHP 5.6 YII 1 environment

  2. Expertise in writing scalable code that can handle large loads and optimized from server perspective

  3. Sufficient bandwidth to deliver project quickly

  4. Experience in handling projects related to HR in organizations in preferred but nor mandatory

We are registered company in India, hence payments need to go through statutory process which may need few documents from the freelancer side including a formally signed agreement. Please keep this in mind before quoting

Though it is building a web product from scratch, only basic functioning screens are required as we have already got screens designed from a professional designer. Requirement is more on functionality aspect

High-level of integration support is required post building the code

I can share a detailed design document post requesting interests and credentials check

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Those interested can contact me at [/size][/color]