Large Form Input

I am trying to collect data using a large input field. However when I use the template format, code is somehow taking that as a default bootstrap small font.

Here is my form snippet:

<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([

'id' =&gt; 'login-form',

'options' =&gt; ['class' =&gt; 'form-horizontal'],

]); ?>

&lt;?= &#036;form-&gt;field(&#036;model, 'demo',['template' =&gt; '{label} &lt;div class=&quot;row&quot;&gt;

    &lt;div class=&quot;col-lg col-lg-6&quot;&gt;{input}{error}{hint}&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;']

)-&gt;textInput(['placeholder' =&gt; 'Input value'])-&gt;label(false) ?&gt;

When I examine on the Chrome developer tools/F12, source renders as

<input type="text" id="model-demo" class="form-control" name="Tasks[owner]" placeholder="Owner">

when I manually change this to

<input type="text" id="model-demo" class="form-control" name="Tasks[owner]" placeholder="Owner">

form input changes to large font.

How can I change the form layout to take the class="form-control input-lg" using the above notation?

Thank you.

Please use code tag for readability!

I dont get this - its the same or are i am blind? ^^

Im not sure, but i mean to remember there was a "class" function which will add your class as required:

For example im using it for submit buttons in some cases:

Html::submitButton($sendText, ['class' => $class]);

Im sure there is something similar for input fields.

$class notation might work. Thank you.