Has someone already used both of them? Can you compare or recommend? Do they have more competitors?
Currently I am interested mainly in GridView, Wysiwyg editors, select2 or a file-browser for files which are stored on the server, but general experiences with these extensions would be handy as well.
Last Update to Yii Booster was 5 years ago. 112 open issues, last issue opened in 2018. Development stopped at Bootstrap 3. Clevertech’s website makes no mention of even using Yii any more.
Last update to a Kartik github repository … 3 days ago. Extension Supports Bootstrap 3,4 & 5, multiple github repositories still in active development. Last Yii2-grid issue opened 7 hours ago, 8 open issues, 833 closed, no open issue older than 3 months ( except for feature requests )
Kartiks extensions basically drop straight into the default Yii2 code. Most of the time simply changing the “Use” statement from the base Yii widget to the Krajee widget is the only code change you need to make to get the view up and running.
It depends what you’re looking for. If you really prefer the look of YiiBooster and have the skills to patch it with no support, then sure… its a good choice. But if you’re new to the Yii framework and just want a drop in replacement for the basic Yii widgets, then you need Kartik’s libraries.