I would like to upload a filename with utf-8 characters such as greek, german etc. The upload occurs successfully for both file size and type, unfortunately its filename is being replaced by strange characters. However when english characters for filename are used, there is no problem at all.
I provide you with the filename being generated for utf-8 characters
Hey [Konstantinos], I am not an expert, but it looks like the utf-8 encoding happened two times here. I had a similar problem with a code I had. From somewhere I found something like a utf-8 negative and when I put in the corresponding symbols for the letters i needed it worked. Hope it helps you my friend.
Best regards
Hello again,
I would love to help you out mate. I am a newbie myself, thought that you had maybe a similar problem as I had. Did you try to put in the text without encoding it in utf-8?
Best regards