Kartik Gridview Update Dropdown


I have Kartik Gridview with Dropdown but the action seems to set the Array ID rather than value.

//// action for gridview
    public function actions()
        return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::actions(), [
            'editstatus' => [                                       // identifier for your editable action
                'class' => EditableColumnAction::className(),     // action class name
                'modelClass' => Quote::className(),                // the update model class



    'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
    'attribute' => 'status',
    'label' => 'Status',
    'vAlign' => 'middle',
    'width' => '10%',
    'editableOptions' =>  function ($model, $key, $index) {
        return [
            'header' => 'status',
            'inputType' => 'dropDownList',
            'data' => [1 =>'Pending',2 =>'Live',3 =>'Invoiced',4 =>'Part Paid',5 =>'Paid',6 =>'Rejected'],
            'formOptions'=>['action' => ['/quote/editstatus']], // point to the new action

Hi There,

Is anybody able to lend me a hand with this at all?

Thank you