JXHeditor, doesn't edit field. It appears blank when editing

Hello, using the WYSIWYG editor http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/xheditor/

i use this code in my project:

    $this->widget('application.extensions.xheditor.JXHEditor', array(

     'model' => new Articles(),

     'attribute' => 'body',

     'options' => array(

         'width' => '100%',

        'height' => 400,


… well, using that code, I can save new articles, but when editing, doesn’t apperars the ‘body’ field content.

What it’s wrong?

“new Articles()” was changed by “$model” and works fine ::)

I am using Yii 1.1.7 and Xheditor (http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/xheditor), occurred following problem.

I correctly installed, but Xheditor tools not displayed, only shows blank html textarea . How to solve this?

My Code :

$this->widget(‘application.extensions.xheditor.JXHEditor’, array(

		'model' => $model,

		'attribute' => 'content_en',





