Json.encode Problem

Hello Everyone,

When i clicked delete button

function RemoveFavorite(obj)


                                if (confirm('Ürün Favorilerizden Çıkarılacak. Emin Misiniz?')) {


                                        type: 'POST',

                                        data: {userFavoriteId: obj},

                                        url: '/testdrive/index.php/shopping/RemoveFavorite',

                                        success: function(data) {



                                        error: function(data)







this function will call.

and then

$Id = $_POST['userFavoriteId'];

        $model = UserFavorite::model()->findbyPk($Id);


        echo CJSON::encode($this->renderPartial('/shopping/userFavorite'),true,false);

this code will run. cjson encode return me like

<meta charset="utf-8">

<section class="other-books subsection divider-top-thick">


    <table class="table table-striped table-header">

        <tr style='background-color: #999999'>





                        <a  href="/testdrive/index.php/book/bookDetail?bookId=6">URFA SAVAŞINDAN YAPRAKLAR</a>



                        <a class="cart-item-remove-option icon-trash" title='Favorilerden Çıkar' href="#" onclick="RemoveFavorite('53');">








                            function RemoveFavorite(obj)


                                if (confirm('Ürün Favorilerizden Çıkarılacak. Emin Misiniz?')) {


                                        type: 'POST',

                                        data: {userFavoriteId: obj},

                                        url: '/testdrive/index.php/shopping/RemoveFavorite',

                                        success: function(data) {



                                        error: function(data)








Did you see null string end of the respond data? How can i fixed?

Moved from Bug Discussions to General Discussion for Yii 1.1.x.

You don’t need to use CJson::encode() at all. Echo the HTML directly, then change your $.ajax call to expect an HTML response:


                type: 'POST',

                data: {userFavoriteId: obj},

                url: '/testdrive/index.php/shopping/RemoveFavorite',

                success: function(data) {



                error: function(data){



            }, 'html'); // <- here