JS file manipulation using asset bundle

Is there any way to manipulate js file through asset bundling process?

I rather to generate URLs in js files with Url::to() helper or manipulate the script using php.

I need such thing but in js file :



var foo = foo;

var url = <?= Url::to(someURL) ?> 







IMO modifying js file in an asset bundle per request is not a very good idea. It’s better to keep your js file in an asset bundle static, just like the most of the js libraries like jQuery, jQueryUI, bootstrap … etc.

Note that you may call a function in your js library with dynamic parameters specifying urls and/or html elements.

For example, in your static js file:

function clickEventHandler(element, url) {

  $('body').on('click', element, function(event) {


        url: url,





And in the inline javascript that you will register in your view using "$this->registerJs()":


clickEventHandler($('some-selector'), '<?= Url::to('someUrl') ?>');

Thank you. It was very helpful.