JQuery-UI theming


I’ve read the wiki article “Theming your Zii Widgets” and was a little bit disappointed that one has to configure each [font=“Courier New”]CJuiWidget[/font] individually. Why not configuring the base class instead? But than I saw that the [font=“Courier New”]CWidgetFactory[/font] only sets the properties of the concrete class and not also that of the ancestors.

Therefore I changed [font="Courier New"]CWidgetFactory[/font] to contain a new private method:


	 * Merge all properties of parent classes first and than the properties of

	 * the more specific classes


	private function mergeProperties($className, $properties)


		$parent = get_parent_class($className);

		// Resolve up to CWidget

		if (is_subclass_of($parent, 'CWidget') || $parent == 'CWidget')


			$properties = $this->mergeProperties($parent, $properties);




			$properties=$properties===array() ? 

				$this->widgets[$className] : CMap::mergeArray($this->widgets[$className],$properties);


		return $properties;



and then let the method [font="Courier New"]CWidgetFactory->createWidget[/font] call it:

	public function createWidget($owner,$className,$properties=array())



		$widget=new $className($owner);

		$properties = $this->mergeProperties($className, $properties);




			if($this->skinnableWidgets===null || in_array($className,$this->skinnableWidgets))


				$skinName=isset($properties['skin']) ? $properties['skin'] : 'default';

				if($skinName!==false && ($skin=$this->getSkin($className,$skinName))!==array())

					$properties=$properties===array() ? $skin : CMap::mergeArray($skin,$properties);



		foreach($properties as $name=>$value)


		return $widget;


Now it’s as easy as:

        'widgetFactory' => array(

            'widgets' => array(

                'CJuiWidget' => array(

		    'themeUrl' => 'jui/themes',

                    'theme' => 'ghsv',




to add to your components (main.php configuration) to use a different jquery-ui theme in your application, just copy the generated (JQuery’s themeroller) “custom-theme” to an accessible directory (here [font=“Courier New”]jui/themes/ghsv[/font]).

Did I overlook a configuration option, which allows that already or is my idea a valuable enhancement?

Best regards,


I did something similar here.

Can’t remember the exact reason I didn’t complete the “inheritance approach” (besides performance). It’s probably not meaningful to include CWidget as parent so I settled for an explicit “commonProperties” class (actually just a fake class name in the CWidgetFactory widgets array).


Also see this post. Leading to this. Will need some more work for the example below to work.

Example (use skins from "commonProperties" fake class, in this case CJuiWidget).

'widgetFactory' => array(

  'widgets' => array(

    'CJuiWidget' => array(





I don’t remember if there’s still an unsolved problem. For sure I have commented out the content of


But that might be because I continued testing property inheritance/aggregation of jui widget configurations.

CJuiWidget.php content: Yii theme specific skin(s) for CJuiWidget ancestors


return array(


    'themeUrl' => 'jui/themes',

    'theme' => 'ghsv',






BTW I never used this in a project and because seemingly no one else found it worth using, I left it in an unfinished state.


Hi Tommy,

stepping up the hierarchy to find ancestor configurations rarely needs more than 1 step, since most widgets directly extend [font="Courier New"]CWidget[/font]. Okay, some widgets take more (at most 3 steps?), when - for example - extending [font="Courier New"]C(Jui)InputWidget[/font] or [font="Courier New"]CFilterWidget[/font]. But this adds also flexibility by enabling configuration just for that classes.

Best regards,


I think the reason I suggested the "commonProperties" approach, besides the obvious performance hit, also was that the non-Jui widgets have very few, if any, properties in common that would have benefit from the inheritance approach.
