Hi, i have a question about the javascript usability in yii,
let say i want to put some script inside my page like
how can i insert the script by using yii framework without using
Hi, i have a question about the javascript usability in yii,
let say i want to put some script inside my page like
how can i insert the script by using yii framework without using
Use CClientScript.
how to convert this jquery script in yii?
{ height: 'auto', width: 'auto',
modal: true,
show: 'clip',hide: 'clip',
title: 'User Login',
closeOnEscape: false,
open:function() {
i try this, but failed at ‘open’ attribute:
$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(
'title'=>'User Login',
'closeOnEscape'=> false,
'show'=> 'clip','hide'=> 'clip',
'open'=> array(
//echo 'Login Form';
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('dialog', '$("#mydialog").dialog("open");');
thanks mech7, btw i still cant get what i want from the following jquery code:
open:function() {
and i try to put it in yii, but it doesn’t work:-
'open'=> 'function(){$(this).parents(".ui-dialog:first").find(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").remove();
the code should open jquery dialog, with no ‘x’ button on the top right of the dialog
any suggestion?
As 3rd parameter use… CClientScript::POS_READY
Then it will render the js in a jquery dom ready function
Well, this is the first post I ever found in Yii forum, which is discussing about JS asset. I am totally confused about the asset management approach in Yii. I think the the simple JS/CSS asset is getting complicated since the front-end code have been mixed into backend PHP code. It is hard to maintenance.
I know sometimes the JS code should be generated on-the-fly by back-end. But in general, BE/FE code should be separated, especially in large scale projects.
The fact of discussing jQuery issue in Yii forum has proved my point.