Issues With Cookbook's Events Examples

I’ve been coding along with the book without any issues until I got to page 14, where it demonstrates how to send an email notification upon a comment being added to a blog post.

Following the book, I have the following in [font="Palatino Linotype"]protected/components/NewCommentEvent.php[/font]


class NewCommentEvent extends CModelEvent {

	public $comment;

	public $post;


After that, I added the following to the Post model in [font="Palatino Linotype"]protected/models/Post.php[/font]. This model was created via Gii, and I left the auto-generated methods intact:

	function addComment(Comment $comment)


		$comment->post_id = $this->id;

		// creating event class instance

		$event = new NewCommentEvent($this);

		$event->post = $this;

		$event->comment = $comment;

		// triggering event


		return $event->isValid;



	// defining onNewComment event

	public function onNewComment($event) 


		// Event is actually triggered here. This way we can use

		// onNewComment method instead of raiseEvent.

		$this->raiseEvent('onNewComment', $event);


Still following the book, I created [font="Palatino Linotype"]protected/components/Notifier.php[/font] with the following contents:


class Notifier 


	function comment($event)


		$text = "There was a new comment from

		 {$event->comment->author} on post {$event->post->title}";

		mail('', 'New Comment', $text);



Finally, I created the controller [font="Palatino Linotype"]protected/controllers/PostController.php[/font] with the following:


class PostController extends CController


	function actionAddComment()


		$post = Post::model()->findByPk(10);

		$notifier = new Notifier();


		//adding the event handler

		$post->onNewComment = array($notifier, 'comment');


		//in production, this should come from $_POST

			$comment = new Comment();

			$comment->author = 'Sam Dark';

			$comment->text = 'Yii events are awesome!';


		//adding the comment




When trying to run this via %siteName%/index.php/Post/AddComment, I get the following error along with a giant stack trace:

Before the stack trace, it points to line 421 of YiiBase.php:


409                         {

410                             include($classFile);

411                             if(YII_DEBUG && basename(realpath($classFile))!==$className.'.php')

412                                 throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Class name "{class}" does not match class file "{file}".', array(

413                                     '{class}'=>$className,

414                                     '{file}'=>$classFile,

415                                 )));

416                             break;

417                         }

418                     }

419                 }

420                 else

[color="#FF0000"]421                     include($className.'.php');[[/color]

422             }

423             else  // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3

424             {

425                 $namespace=str_replace('\\','.',ltrim($className,'\\'));

426                 if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false)

427                     include($path.'.php');

428                 else

429                     return false;

430             }

431             return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false);

432         }

433         return true;


From the looks if it, I think Yii is trying to find the file Commment.php because of line 13 in PostController.php, which was not defined in the book. Was the class definition of Comment accidentally omitted in the book, or am I just missing something?

Some additional information about the variables used in PostController.php:

var_dump($post) yields:



  private '_md' (CActiveRecord) => 


      public 'tableSchema' => 


          public 'schemaName' => null

          public 'name' => string 'post' (length=4)

          public 'rawName' => string '`post`' (length=6)

          public 'primaryKey' => string 'id' (length=2)

          public 'sequenceName' => string '' (length=0)

          public 'foreignKeys' => 

            array (size=0)


          public 'columns' => 

            array (size=4)


          private '_e' (CComponent) => null

          private '_m' (CComponent) => null

      public 'columns' => 

        array (size=4)

          'id' => 



          'text' => 



          'title' => 



          'is_deleted' => 



      public 'relations' => 

        array (size=0)


      public 'attributeDefaults' => 

        array (size=1)

          'is_deleted' => int 0

      private '_model' => 


          private '_md' (CActiveRecord) => 


          private '_new' (CActiveRecord) => boolean false

          private '_attributes' (CActiveRecord) => 

            array (size=0)


          private '_related' (CActiveRecord) => 

            array (size=0)


          private '_c' (CActiveRecord) => null

          private '_pk' (CActiveRecord) => null

          private '_alias' (CActiveRecord) => string 't' (length=1)

          private '_errors' (CModel) => 

            array (size=0)


          private '_validators' (CModel) => null

          private '_scenario' (CModel) => string '' (length=0)

          private '_e' (CComponent) => null

          private '_m' (CComponent) => null

  private '_new' (CActiveRecord) => boolean false

  private '_attributes' (CActiveRecord) => 

    array (size=4)

      'id' => string '10' (length=2)

      'text' => string 'slk1111dfjsdlkfjl' (length=17)

      'title' => string 'sd1kfjdskf' (length=10)

      'is_deleted' => string '0' (length=1)

  private '_related' (CActiveRecord) => 

    array (size=0)


  private '_c' (CActiveRecord) => null

  private '_pk' (CActiveRecord) => string '10' (length=2)

  private '_alias' (CActiveRecord) => string 't' (length=1)

  private '_errors' (CModel) => 

    array (size=0)


  private '_validators' (CModel) => null

  private '_scenario' (CModel) => string 'update' (length=6)

  private '_e' (CComponent) => null

  private '_m' (CComponent) => null


var_dump($notifier) yields:




Thanks in advance.

Of course you need to create a model class named Comment to have this to work.

It is mentioned on page 14 somewhere in the middle but should be obvious :)