issue with gridview and datepicker


Im new in Yii2.0 and I need help in using gridview and datepicker. I have below code in my index.php.

<?= GridView::widget([

    'dataProvider' =&gt; &#036;dataProvider,

    'filterModel' =&gt; &#036;searchModel,

    'columns' =&gt; [

        ['class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;grid&#092;SerialColumn'],


	'class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;grid&#092;DataColumn',

        'label' =&gt; 'Sales Date',

	'value' =&gt; function (&#036;data) {


		return Yii::&#036;app-&gt;formatter-&gt;asDate(strtotime(&#036;sales_dt), 'php:d-m-Y');


	'filter'=&gt; DatePicker::widget(array(

		'name'  =&gt; 'sales_date',

		'model' =&gt; &#036;searchModel,


		'dateFormat' =&gt; 'php:d-m-Y',

		), true),



	'class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;grid&#092;ActionColumn',

	'template' =&gt; '{view}',

	'buttons' =&gt; [

		'view' =&gt; function (&#036;url, &#036;model, &#036;key) {

	                       return Html::a('&lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;', &#036;url, [

			           'title' =&gt; Yii::t('yii', 'View'),






]); ?&gt;

and i would like to know how to do sort and filter for the date column. Thanks for any help! :)

below is my modelsearch function:

public function search($params)


    &#036;query = Sales::find();

    &#036;dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

        'query' =&gt; &#036;query,




		'defaultOrder' =&gt; [

			'fdate' =&gt; SORT_DESC,

			'fcheck' =&gt; SORT_DESC,

			'fdesc1' =&gt; SORT_ASC,



    if (&#33;(&#036;this-&gt;load(&#036;params) &amp;&amp; &#036;this-&gt;validate())) {

        return &#036;dataProvider;



        'sales_key' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;sales_key,

        'create_dt' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;create_dt,

        'update_dt' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;update_dt,


    &#036;query-&gt;andFilterWhere(['like', 'sales_status_fl', &#036;this-&gt;sales_status_fl])

        -&gt;andFilterWhere(['like', 'fdate', &#036;this-&gt;fdate]);

    return &#036;dataProvider;


first create function which convert fetched value in form of date format in Search model.

private function dbDateSearch($value)


            if($value != "" && preg_match('/^(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-[0-9]{4}$/', $value,$matches))

                return date("Y-m-d",strtotime($matches[0]));


                return $value;


than use that function in Filter value like …

$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'sales_status_fl', $this->sales_status_fl])

      ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'fdate', $this->dbDateSearch($this->fdate)]);

after check out with filtering the date value in GridView…

Happy Codding. :)


Thanks a lot it works!