Issue With Bindparam


Pretty new at Yii, and loving it :)

I’ve been working on a module for translations but have gotten into a little snag.

My module uses an SQLite db. There are two db connections defined in the main configuraiton (main.php), one for MySQL (db) and one for SQLite (i18n_db).

For every model/controll this setup works. However I’ve created a view in my SQLite db and trying to do the following. I have created an model for the view, but not using it.

public function actionListAllPrLanguage($languageId)


    // SQL statement for finding all translations for a given language

$sqlStm = 'SELECT * FROM Translations t WHERE t.LanguageId =:langId';


// SQL statement to count number of records

$sqlStmCount = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Translations t WHERE t.LanguageId =:langId';


// Get connection

$connection = Yii::app()->i18n_db;


// Create command for SELECT and COUNT

$cmdSel   = $connection->createCommand($sqlStm);

$cmdCount = $connection->createCommand($sqlStmCount);


// Bind parameter

$cmdSel->bindParam(':langId', $languageId, PDO::PARAM_STR);

$cmdCount->bindParam(':langId', $languageId, PDO::PARAM_STR);


$dataprovider = new CSqlDataProvider($cmdSel->text, array(

			'db' => $connection,

			'keyField' => 'Id',

			'totalItemCount' => $connection->createCommand($cmdCount->text)->queryScalar(),

			'sort' => array(

			'attributes' => array('Message'), 

			'defaultOrder' => array('Message' => false),),

			'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 30,),



$this->render('listPrLanguage', array('dataProvider' => $dataprovider));


Which also works fine except that the bindParam methods wont bind my variable.

The sql statement works if I hardcode the languageId.

I’ve been looking at this code for a few hours now and I cant seem to find the issue.

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

Hi Ride, welcome to the forum.

As for the main query, CSqlDataProvider will createCommand and bindParam for you.

And the following will create another CDbCommand which is not yet bound a parameter.

'totalItemCount' => $connection->createCommand($cmdCount->text)->queryScalar(),

So, I hope the following will work.

public function actionListAllPrLanguage($languageId)


	// SQL statement for finding all translations for a given language

	$sqlStm = 'SELECT * FROM Translations t WHERE t.LanguageId =:langId';


	// SQL statement to count number of records

	$sqlStmCount = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Translations t WHERE t.LanguageId =:langId';


	// Get connection

	$connection = Yii::app()->i18n_db;


	// Create command for SELECT and COUNT

	// $cmdSel   = $connection->createCommand($sqlStm);

	$cmdCount = $connection->createCommand($sqlStmCount);


	// Bind parameter

	// $cmdSel->bindParam(':langId', $languageId, PDO::PARAM_STR);

	$cmdCount->bindParam(':langId', $languageId, PDO::PARAM_STR);


	$dataprovider = new CSqlDataProvider($sqlStm, array(

				'params' => array(':langId' => $languageId),

				'db' => $connection,

				'keyField' => 'Id',

				'totalItemCount' => $cmdCount->queryScalar(),

				'sort' => array(

				'attributes' => array('Message'), 

				'defaultOrder' => array('Message' => false),),

				'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 30,),



	$this->render('listPrLanguage', array('dataProvider' => $dataprovider));



This clarified heaps!!