Need a script, which would generates keywords by template.
For example to specify a template:
(<I><My friend><Our people>){<do><make><build><develop>} 'mega super' ({<book><site><table>})
'I make mega super site',
'My friend buid mega super book site',
'Our people make mega super table'
Rules (can less different):
{a | b | c} - selects one of the values, for example, «b»
[a | b | c] - selects a combination of values, for example, «bac»
[+ Or + a | b | c] - selects a combination of values using a separator, e.g., «b and a and c»
Unlimited nesting of inserts / templates of different types of
Different brackets quotes would mean options occurrence of words in a string.
I find more WIN app and one site, but can not find class/library or service with API.