is it possible to set max word in cjuiautocomplete(multicomplete extension)

i want to set max word to be enter in textfield with an autocomplete to 10…

is it possible???

<div class="row">

		<?php echo $form->labelEx($tag,'id_tag'); ?>

		<?php $t = MMS::model("util")->getTag($_GET['id']);

		$tag->id_tag = $t; 

		$this->widget('MultiComplete', array(







          // additional javascript options for the autocomplete plugin



				 //'max'=>10, -> no change




				 // 'onChange'=>'changeTest', ->call action changeTest





		<p class="hint">Please separate different tags with commas.</p>

		<?php echo $form->error($tag,'id_tag'); ?>


i try to call action with event onChange but it’s still not working too…

can somebody help me??

sory for my bad english…

thanks in advance