Invalid routes on Yii 2.0 - Site in production/public


Im migration my web site to Yii 2.0:

The problem is when you navigate thought menus. On my Mac everything is working fine. But in production it is not working.

My createURL code:

<a href="<?php echo(\Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl('/geradorCPF/index')); ?>" class="list-group-item">Gerador de CPF</a>

My routes/rules config:

'urlManager' => [

			'class' => 'yii\web\UrlManager',

			'enablePrettyUrl' => true,

			'showScriptName' => false,

			'rules' => [

				'/' => 'home/index',

				'gerador-cpf' => 'geradorCPF/index',

				'gerador-cnpj' => 'geradorCNPJ/index',



My controller:


namespace app\controllers;

use Yii;

class GeradorCPFController extends SiteController


    public function actionIndex()


	    return $this->render('index');



The strange thing is that: (this route is working):

Can anyone help me?

Please help me


I have found the problem in Yii. See the image please:

The controller dont pass in 'preg_match" expression. Im using PHP 5.6 - I dont know if has relation between this facts.

When i access with upper case controller name dont work. But when i access with lower case works on apache but not on nginx.

Yii have strict naming for good reasons. Avoide names Like SomeNICEController instead use something like SomeNiceController where you url …([’/some-nice/action’, ‘id’=>5])


Thanks for response.

I have renamed to "GeradorCpfController" and try access:

But not success.

I dont have any specific rules for it, i leave the default routes:

'urlManager' => [

			'enablePrettyUrl' => true,

			'showScriptName' => false,

			'rules' => [

				'/' => 'home/index',



Have any ideias?

I have tried another think in production:


My rules now:

'urlManager' => [

			'enablePrettyUrl' => true,

			'showScriptName' => false,

			'rules' => [

				'/' => 'home/index',

				'/gerador-cpf-new' => 'gerador-cpf/index',



My controller:


namespace app\controllers;

use Yii;

class GeradorCpfController extends SiteController


    public function actionIndex()


	    return $this->render($this->action->id);



If you access the site "", you will see the link "Gerador de CPF - NEW" that is the current code posted here.

I think that it is a bug :( :o

The strange thing is:

Why on my mac with MAMP (apache) it works and on production (nginx) with documentation rules, it dont works?

Sorry, problem solved :)

Thanks to "Stefano Mtangoo", you are correct man.

The problem here is with GIT, when i rename file “GeradorCPF” to “GeradorCpf” git ignore this change when i update on my server :)

After see it on my server, i do the correct changes and now it is working.

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