Internationalization And Localization Of Translation Files


I would like to have such a set up and i would like to find out if its possible with Yii:

  • have a default English translation file that contains 100 keys, i.e.

return array(

   'page.title' => 'About Us',

   'anotherPage.title' => 'Welcome to Another Page',


  • have a localized translation file (e.g. en_HK) but only contains those keys that are different from the default file, i.e.

return array(

   'anotherPage.title' => 'Another Page',


If I set the language to en_HK and use

Yii::t('app', 'page.title')

and its should show ‘About Us’ instead. Something like an array_merge that overrides the default translation.

I have read the internationalization but it seems that the default translation are stored at the views.

I would like to know if its possible using the existing Yii component or if i have to resort to custom codes to achieve it.



Because message files just return an array, you can actually load a common file there, merge it with overrides and return it. No magic needed here :slight_smile:

Thanks nineinchnick!

I actually figured it out. Here’s my codes for those who may need it:

In protected/config/main.php, set the sourceLanguage and default language. Also, tell messages component to use our derived class:

return array(




		'messages' => array(





I created a custom component, MessageSource to retrieve both the specified local translations and the default master translations. I then merge these 2 arrays together in a way that the local values will override the default values on those same keys. The component is extended from CPhpMessageSource. Thereafter i overload the loadMessages functionality. The getMessages is actually the same as the CPhpMessageSource’s loadMessages.



class MessageSource extends CPhpMessageSource 



	 * Loads the message translation for the specified language and category.

	 * @param string $category the message category

	 * @param string $language the target language

	 * @return array the loaded messages


	protected function getMessages($category,$language)



		if($this->cachingDuration>0 && $this->cacheID!==false && ($cache=Yii::app()->getComponent($this->cacheID))!==null)


			$key=self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . $messageFile;


				return unserialize($data);









				$dependency=new CFileCacheDependency($messageFile);



			return $messages;



			return array();




	 * Loads the message translation for the specified language and category and merged it with the default.

	 * @param string $category the message category

	 * @param string $language the target language

	 * @return array the merged messages array


	protected function loadMessages($category,$language) 


		// Loads the message translation for the specified language and category.

		$localizedMessages = $this->getMessages($category,$language);


		// Loads the message translation for the default language and category.

		$defaultMessages = $this->getMessages($category, Yii::app()->sourceLanguage);


		return CMap::mergeArray($defaultMessages,$localizedMessages);

