Internationalizacion by default

The developer community is international, why not make Yii internationalized by default?

I second that.


in a certain way I agree with this, but in another one we could see that yii already is.

Or at least it is ready to be internationalized, but yii is a framework and not a cms or another application so a bigger level of internationalization would be "too much" imho.

Also is not completely clear for me what you exactly mean with “make yii internationalized” ::) This could include many things…



What a coincident. I am working on multi-language content support in my CMS and find a quite native and simple approach. I agree with Virtual Darkness that Yii is a framework, not a CMS so it already supports i18n and L10n.

Yes I think i18n is already supported very good in Yii… I was amazed how easy it was to set it up :-*