Intereting Over Results


I’ve got method:

protected function findUsersBatch($companyId,$page=1)


                $criteria=new CDbCriteria();



                $criteria->addCondition('import_time IS NOT NULL');

                $criteria->addCondition('invite_time IS NULL');



                return User::model()->findAll($criteria);


and loop which iterates over it




      foreach($data as $item)





batch size is 100

for given comapny I’v got ex. 1890 records

this code does 1000 recordes and stops

am’I missig smth here?



if your cirtieria->limit is 100 so it wil fetch only first 100 records

your $page is 1 so at every call to


critieria offset is 0

no - $page is incremented



      foreach($data as $item)



      $page++; <!----------- increment $page by one


it’s working witch first 10 “pages” (so it is iterating over fisrst 1000 records)

after it stopas (as findUsersBatch do not return recorsds)

i try this…and it returns even >1200 records…

public function findUsersBatch($page=1){

            	$criteria=new CDbCriteria();



            	return Contact::model()->findAll($criteria);





  	foreach($data as $item)


 		echo $item->id."<br>";




which view you have used…CGridVIew or CListView ?

non of them, i use it in command to send emails (this is done in foreach on batch)

I’have also tried other version: i’ve made method countUsersToInvite() and chaged while loop

while($this->countUsersToInvite($companyId)) {


 foreach .....



and debug it, with each iteration count showed less records but after 1000 it stoped and $page stated to incerement to infinite