Installing yii2 framework using Xampp - do i need a github account?

Hello everyone,

A couple of years of go i used to programm using PHP, but without frameworks. With these recent developments i´ve decided to get in the to the game and try using one. I´ve decided to use yii 2.0 .

I´ve read some of the documentation and in my opinion there is some lack of information (at least for who is getting started), so i´m having some problems installing yii 2.0 on my computer using Xampp. The PHP version is 5.5.9.

From what i could undertsand i downloaded the yii 2.0 framework, extracted the content and copied to c:\xampp\htdocs\yii2

I´ve already installed the composer, so the the next thing to do i think would be, using the cmd, do these two lines of code:

composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.0.0"

composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev yiisoft/yii2-app-basic basic

The problem is when i do the last one it asks for username and password i think of GitHub. Can you tell me if i’m obligated to have an account on github to install yii 2.0 framework.

Is there a way to get around this?

Thanks in advanced.

I think that it’s mandatory to register in github.

What happens when i do have internet connection?

Will I be able to create projects?

Will I be able to work without a problem (without Internet connection) with the existing projects?

Thank you for the quick reply.

When you have internet connection nothng happens, if you don’t launch command with composer.

To create project, you can start with Yii’s package or using composer (preferred method).

I´m sorry Frabrizio, but this is all new to me.

I tought using those 2 command lines was the way by using the composer. Isn´t it?

Is there a way I can install the framework and create projects without internet connection?


After you create project based on basic or advanced template, you can clone project’s folder to create new project.

Thank you Fabrizio!