whre to install this yii,
in my computer or on my hosting
im new to yii framework
whre to install this yii,
in my computer or on my hosting
im new to yii framework
First, install it in your computer.
like it says in : http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/quickstart.installation
Then goto:
For the very first step you need console/command line premission, that’s why you need to fir install on local pc.
Hello to all.
If I want to install the framework folder in a relative path to all of my domains on the server, what folder permissions and ownership I need, to make it work?
My server structure is /var/www/vhosts/"domain names"/httpdocs
and I want the framework folder in this path /var/www/vhosts/framework.
Although I can create a new app on the domain path , it will not work due to permission issues, I guess.