Installing Yii with 1&1

Hi! I am hoping to start building my first site using the yii framework - I’m new to all of this so you may have to bear with me!

The site I need to do is currently hosted on a 1&1 business package. Does anyone else successfully run Yii with 1and1 and if so what package would I need to upgrade to for ease of installation?

Or am i going to have to move - EEEEK!

Many thanks


Hi Vicki,

I’ve implemented some sites on 1&1 servers, and everything worked without any issue.

Best regards,


Oh, Something to consider in 1&1 Cloud servers: Put Yii framework dir in the /var/www/yourdomain/ dir, because 1&1 implements certain restriction by default, if you don’t use Plesk you can setup your website much easier (and you’ll have no problems when reconfiguring the web server properties)

Best regards,


Many thanks Ricardo - do you mind me asking what package you used - was it one of the dual/shared host ones or a dedicated server?

Many thanks!

I have a 1&1 Business package. I just tried installing Yii framework and all went well. I just copied the Yii framework to my site and ran the requirements check. Only 3 Warnings - PDO PostgreSQL extension, Memcache extension, and APC extension. The demo blog worked as well.

Hope that helps.

Hi! I’m having problems trying to access to any views. It has no sense because the action index run perfectly, but trying to acces to any other view it send me to a 1&1 page wich say “this domain has jast been registered”… someone can’t tell me why? thanks in regards!

Hi Vicki,i’m new bie too!

I’ve implemented some sites on 1&1 servers, and everything worked without any issue.

Best regards,

Can you please paste the Dbconnection string i am having big troubles with the database connection.