Installed Extension Is Not Found

I want to install extention

and in my protected/config/main.php I added lines :

'components' => array(





But calling in control :

if ( !CFile::set($filename_path)->exists ) {

I get error :

I moved the extension into \protected\extensions\ directory

I payed attension that in zip file root directory is called as "ist-yii-cfile-1.0.0", so when I moved it to "\protected\extensions\" directory

this direcory has "ist-yii-cfile-1.0.0" name and I get this error. I renamed it to "file"(as on my image above), but I stiil get error.

As I understand when I wrote in config :


It means in \protected\extensions\ directory search "file" subdirectory and CFile.php file! But why I get error ?


There’s a “Usage” section on the linked Github page. Please re-read it carefully, then try:


Application component classes aren’t loaded automatically on startup. Yii’s autoloader loads them on the first usage.

Thanks, it helped!