[size="3"][/size][font="Times New Roman"]Greetings Everyone,
I finished Installing Yii 2.0 framework basic on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 without having any problem. Now I want to use the DatePicker widget which i need to download Composer and install the JUI extension via the composer. Could anyone write simple steps to follow to avoid problems while downloading both. Thank you and have a great day.[/font]
and the other one in project includes everyting except “yiisoft/yii-jui”: “*”, after that i proceed to try DatePicker widget from this extension and it says “Class ‘yii\jui\DatePicker’ not found” with note that i used at the top of my page:
namespace yii\jui\DatePicker;
use yii\jui\DatePicker;
Hopefully anyone can enlighten me with the solution i will appreciate it, thanks.