Installation error

Еrror when installing on a hosting What should I do?

yii/framework/yiic webapp app

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in 

/nfs/c01/h02/mnt/42424/domains/ on line 64

Segmentation fault


can you try like below

yii/framework/yiic webapp testapp


yii/framework/yiic webapp testapp

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in 

/nfs/c01/h02/mnt/42424/domains/ on line 64

Segmentation fault

check your php cli version… you need php 5.1.0 +

to do this you can use

php -v


The solution was simple - a ssh server by default for some reason, run php 4

php5 yii/framework/yiic webapp app

That’s a classic error you get when you run php5 code against a php4 installation.

You need to switch to using php 5.1 and up.

On Dreamhost (where I’m hosted) it’s a matter of choosing the right version of PHP in the site configuration screen.

Like Mdomba said. :)

It’s funny, because I looked at that error just 20 minutes ago, in a different context.

Do I believe in coincidence or do I not? ::)