Installation Details Request Please


My technical skills are not complete noob, but they might be considered dangerous. :wink:
That being said I do apologize because it could actually be a “User Error” on my part and I apologize for this request in advance if that is the case.

I am asking for the simplest way to get Yii FW installed using the advanced template.

I tried for several hours on a cloud VPS to get installed and had constant issues.
I tried both Ubuntu 16x and CentOS 7.

I really do not want to install on local machine on my Windows 10, and I also do not prefer to use a VMware WS iso image on linux.

I kept on running into PHP issues, then permissions issues when trying to run composer from /var/www/html directory.

My web server settings were correct PHP, Apache were running fine, and I checked online and changed all my web folder permissions for Apache on CentOS and www-data on Ubuntu.

What requirements are there for Yii FW after the initial Linux install? PHP package, Pear, Mcrypt, etc…?

And does anyone know what is causing the “Permission Denied” errors when trying to have composer script run?

I’d like to run my Yii FW life of a web host server but for the life of me I cannot figure out what is preventing the install running correctly.

Is there a certain hosting platform, version of Linix, etc… That are best or preferred to use for ease of installation?

Thank You,


  1. Is it your first time installation? If yes, try basic template first.
  2. Permissions issues are caused by… insufficient permissions. That’s your OS file system.
  3. There’s is requirements.php script in each Yii project template. It can tell you what is missing.


I just installed on Windows 10 for testing.
I’ll deal with the hosting and permissions issues later.

requirements.php was a good suggestion. I put that in my IT tophat for safe keeping when setting up Yii.

Thank You,


installing yii2 basic is simple. in ubuntu ,point out to your directory web, install with composer(do not run composer with root) then setup your vhost in site available(copy paste from yii2 install guide), make link (ln) then add your ip to /etc/hosts. the last thing chown your yii instalation folder as user:www-data, then chmod 775 only for folder web inside yii app intsalation, thats all!

in windows you need to setup path environment to php.exe
while in ubuntu i dont need that

as far as i experience in windows, yii advance need to run init