insert multiple record


I want to insert multiple records. Here is my _form file


<div class="yiiForm">

<?php echo CHtml::beginForm(); ?>

<?php echo CHtml::errorSummary($model); ?>

<div class="simple">

<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($model,‘startnumber’); ?>

<?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($model,‘number’); ?>


<div class="simple">

<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($model,‘endnumber’); ?>

<?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($model,‘number’); ?>


<?php echo CHtml::submitButton($update ? ‘Save’ : ‘Create’); ?>


<?php echo CHtml::endForm(); ?>

</div><!-- yiiForm -->

my controller

public function actionCreate()


	&#036;model=new NUMBER;









	&#036;this-&gt;layout='bare';  // this layout allows for a clean look in an iframe



can anyone help me how to insert multiple data?

There is a doc page about this topic

There is also the [php] tag in this forum to make your code more readable.