Insert Database In Heirarchical Order From Yii To Database(Mysql)

Hello Yii friends …I am writing php script in Yii to insert the hierarchical database(mysql) from form. for example i have chapter 18 which contain section 18.1. where 18.1 may also have subsection 18.1.1 and again where 18.1.1 also may have, and so on. after finishing chapter 18 again. I can do the similar for chapter 19,20 and so on…Well I am still trying but could not figure out the solution properly.

I was wondering if any of you friends have done it or know it. I will be really thankful.

database should store the value in similar order.

id — section_num – parent_section_id

1 — 18.1 ---- ----- — – 0

2 – - 18.1.1 – ----- — – 1

3 – - – ------ — – 2

4 – - ----- — – 3

5 – - ---- — – 3

6 – - 18.1.2 -------- — – 1

7 – - 19.1 -------- — – 0

Thanks in Advance





Well thanks for your help… I want make clear that I am not talking about url.I am saying I am writing my own code in Yii. so that I am expecting the code in where I want enter the Law. Where main is chapter and there is section and subsection under the chapter. as well as i wan to integrate even breadcrums…



Got your point but my aim was that you can use it to do that.

What is actually happening?

Each of your section has a sub section as do the Categories.

What you actually need is that How you can get the Parent of a child to list there i.e.

Section 1

Section 1.1

Section 2

Section 2.1

Section 2.1.1

The functions by atanio will help you in doing that.


Redesign your table of sections as

id Section_name path parent_section

1  18           18        0

2  18.1         18.1      1

3  18.1.1       18.1.1    2