Indoogoo beta launched in October of 2013 to provide an opportunity to heavy machinery people to list their stocks, make it avail able online and social network among them.
Create a business network that works for you, reducing your
costs in sales, marketing and procurement.
Showcase your equipment, products and services.
Display your RFQs for tender.
Yii Components
Yum, profile, avatar, friendship, groups.
Yii extensions
uploadify, phpmailer, translate
Other important features
Listing of items in categories, connections between members and enquirers are main features.
Also integrated cometchat application to provide chat functionality.
We have recently launched Indoogoo with new look and lots of new features.
Please visit any comment and feedback will highly appreciated.
Recent development includes EEXccelView, EGMAP, tcpdf, tinymce, xupload(Jquery file upload), yii-bootstrap, x-editable-yii and other extensions.
New features are site Feeds, yardtalk (blog), auctions (live auction hall and timed auction under testing at the moment), infinite scroll on all listing pages, Google Map based map search in any selected area, custom developed User Chat, User Notification rebuilt and lot other.