Hi, I’m realy new in yii and when i’m trying to acces a URL with a path for the controller i have an error.
I have the urlManager in path format:
so, I created a new controller "tipousuario" with gii
Controller ID =admin/tipousuario
It created the next file:
When I am trying to access the URL
I receive the next error:
You are not authorized to perform this action.
exception ‘CHttpException’ with message 'Unable to resolve the request
“admin.tipousuario”.’ in
Stack trace:
#0 .\yii\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(121):
#1 .\htdocs\yii\framework\base\CApplication.php(135):
#2 .\htdocs\admin2condo\index.php(14): CApplication->run()
#3 {main} REQUEST_URI=/admin2condo/index.php/admin.tipousuario
Thanks for your help