in selectize text input widget jump the page when load query in ajax search

I want use selectizeTextInput widget in yii2 that search with ajax and remote

search but when load query in page,that use selectize widget,jump the page

and dont allow me to complete the word and by entering per letter in word and

query handling jump the page.

how to solve this problem?

this is my code that use selectize text input for select and create tags with ajax search in yii2 project.

in view I have form and use Selectize text input :

<?= $form->field($model, 'tags')->widget(



                        'loadUrl' => \Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl('tag/manage/find-tag'),

                        'options' => ['class' => 'form-control'],

                        'clientOptions' => [

                            'create' => true,

                            'options' => $items,

                            'items' =>$model->getTagsAsArray(),

                            'valueField' => 'title',

                            'labelField' => 'title',

                            'searchField' => ['title'],

                            'plugins' => ['remove_button'],





in controller I have one action that query handling with per letter that enter in selectize :

public function actionFindTag()


    $tags = Tag::find()->andWhere(['like', 'title', urldecode($_GET['query'])])->all();

    echo '[' . Json::encode(


            Utility::makeReadyForSelectize($tags, 'title', 'title'),


    ) . ']';



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