In Cgridview How To Pass $Data To Cbuttoncolumn Label?


I have the following array in a CGridView:


    'header' => Yii::t('dataTable', 'Actions'),

    'class' => 'CButtonColumn',

    'template' => '{action}',

    'buttons' => array(

        'action' => array(

            'label' => '$data["action"]["action"]',

            'url' => function($data) use($paramsURI) {

                $paramsURI['action'] = $data['action']['action'];

                $paramsURI['id'] = $data['id'];

                return Yii::app()->createUrl(

                    "admin/report/transactions", $paramsURI






I need to use the $data on button label, but in ‘label’ => ‘$data[“action”][“action”]’, $data is undefined, so I try to use a closure how in ‘action’, but the error is 'htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given '.

Any ideia how to resolve this?