Implementing ztabularinputmanager

Ok using this extension I have forms properly displaying but there is not any functionality. I first tried implementing this in a multi model form I have utilizing a transaction but could not figure out the functionality of the tabular input.

I stepped back and set up the example on the extension page and even there I can get the form to display properly but there is not any functionality.

So what is the missing ingredient here to get the add,delete, and submit to db functionality working. Right now when I click on add another form is not generated, rather the original is reloaded. When I submit the form nothing gets submitted to the db either and the form is just reloaded.

Are you sure that the tabular input field and the main model fields are all in the same form?

zaccaria, Thanks for the quick response.

If I understand your question correctly.

I have this on my main form:

<?php $this->renderPartial('_formStudent', array('id'=>$id, 'model'=>$student, 'form'=>$form));?>

As you have in the example to pull in the content from the other form.

On my main form I did not include any fields for ClassRoom as in my db I only set up a auto incrementing id attribute. But that statement above is within CActiveForm tags of the ClassRoom/_form.

I can post full code here if necessary just let me know, but it really is your code anyways. There is no point for me to post all the work I did on my existing form since I stepped back and can’t even get your example to work.


I difficoult to guess what is. This code works, I can swear, is not fake.

Anyway is also not easy to make it working correctly, as there are many difficoult points.

Try with simple print_r($_POST) and check if the data are arriving correctly, if yes check if you correctly pass them to the tabularInputManager.

Be patient, you will get the result.