Imperavi redactor upload file before save

Hi i installed Imperavi Redactor Widget for Yii 2 in my application. This is this widget: But i can see that when I upload any image this widget save this image in my application before i click save() button. The point is when i click on image upload and for example I click "back button" this image is still in my application. Whether the author had not thought about it or I can fix this somewhere in code? I want to save image on my aplication only, when i click button save with my action. Now user can spam image and click forward button and pictures are saved in app anyway. How I can fix that? All what i do to start this widget i paste code to my controller:

public function actions()


   return [

       'error' => [

           'class' => 'yii\web\ErrorAction',


'image-upload' => [

           'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadAction',

           'url' => '/images/blog/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.

           'path' => '@webroot/images/blog/' // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.


'images-get' => [

           'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\GetAction',

           'url' => '/uploads/blog/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.

           'path' => '@webroot/images/blog/', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.

           'type' => '0',


'files-get' => [

           'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\GetAction',

           'url' => '/files/blog/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.

           'path' => '@webroot/files/blog/', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.

           'type' => '1',//GetAction::TYPE_FILES,


'file-upload' => [

           'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadAction',

           'url' => '/files/blog/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.

           'path' => '@webroot/files/blog/' // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.




And my view:

<?= $form->field($model, 'Description')->widget(Widget::classname(), [

   'settings' => [

       'lang' => 'pl',

       'minHeight' => 300,

       'pastePlainText' => true,

'buttonSource' => true,

       'plugins' => [




'imageUpload' => Url::to(['/blog/blog-post/image-upload']),

'imageManagerJson' => Url::to(['/blog/images-get']),

'fileManagerJson' => Url::to(['/blog/files-get']),

'fileUpload' => Url::to(['/blog/file-upload'])

