

I’m hoping there are some ImageMagick ninjas out there. We’ve been using ImageMagick on Yii using php5.4 successfully (well successfully in terms of what we want it for). We’ve updated the backend to now use php7. Has anyone had a experience of imagemagick in both php5.4 and then php7? I’m happy to go into more detail if anyone thinks they might be able to help. I’ve attached a couple of “before & after” images to illustrate the issue.

Thanks in advance,


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Apologies if it was in the wrong place

Never mind. :)

But the problem seems to have nothing to do with Yii, and, I guess, little to do with PHP versions.

I think you should check the BC issues of ImageMagick versions.

It could be PHP extensions differences as well.

Are you using Yii’s imagine extension? If yes then probaby has affected you.