Image Upload

Hi…I really need some help, as nothing on the net refers to my specific situation.

I am using the wizard-behavior extension. It is built using CFormModel rather than CActiveRecord Model. I am pretty much stuck using things the way they are setup…so…

I have a 4 step registration form, first 3 steps are fine, however, the 4th page is to upload a photo. I can not pass the image file to the controller.

Here is my Model:


class UploadPhoto extends CFormModel {

    	public $userPhoto;

    	public function rules() {

            	return array(




    	public function attributeLabels() {

            	return array(

                    	'$userPhoto'=>'Upload A Photo',




    	public function getForm() 


            	return new CForm(array(






                                    	'hint'=>'Please Choose One',






                                    	'label'=>'Reset Form'







            	), $this);




And my form


echo $event->sender->menu->run();

echo '<div>Step '.$event->sender->currentStep.' of '.$event->sender->stepCount;

echo '<h3>'.$event->sender->getStepLabel($event->step).'</h3>';

echo CHtml::tag('div',array('class'=>'form'),$form);

And my controller


class DemoController extends CController {

	public function beforeAction($action) {

		$config = array();

		switch ($action->id) {

			case 'registration':

				$config = array(

					'steps'=>array('Identity', 'ContactDetails', 'UploadPhoto'),










				//more codes here

				//more codes here

				//more codes here

				//more codes here

				//more codes here

	public function wizardFinished($event) {

    	$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();




                	$db_array = array_merge($event->data['Identity']);






                	$db_array = array_merge($event->data['ContactDetails']);




				//this statement is to insert the image name into the table called uploadphoto



                	$db_array = array_merge($event->data['UploadPhhoto']);






            	if ($event->step===true){




        	// ...redirect to another page

                    	$this->render('completed', compact('event'));


                    	$this->render('finished', compact('event'));





    	public function UploadPhoto($userPhoto){



            	// receive file from post

            	//$Upload = new Upload( (isset($inPhoto) ? $inPhoto : null) );

            	//$fullpath = 'C:/Users/Pirificio/Pictures/'.$inPhoto; //Used to test locally


            	$Upload = new Upload( (isset($userPhoto) ? $userPhoto : null) );

            	$Upload->jpeg_quality  = 100;

            	$Upload->no_script  	= false;

            	$Upload->image_resize  = true;

            	$Upload->image_x    	= 700;

            	$Upload->image_y    	= 500;

            	$Upload->image_ratio   = true;


            	// some vars

            	$newName  = md5($userPhoto);

            	$destPath = Yii::app()->getBasePath().'/../images/members/';

            	$destName = 'big';

            	// verify if was uploaded

            	if ($Upload->uploaded) {

            	$Upload->file_new_name_body = $newName;                     	



    	// if was processed

            	if ($Upload->processed) {

            	$destName = $Upload->file_dst_name;	


            	// create the thumb  



            	$destName = 'small';

            	$Upload = new Upload($destPath.$destName);

            	$Upload->file_new_name_body   = $newName;

            	$Upload->no_script        	= false;

            	$Upload->image_resize       	= true;

            	$Upload->image_x          	= 120;

            	$Upload->image_y          	= 80;

            	$Upload->image_ratio      	= true;



            	} else {











Problem is, the image isn’t uploaded nor even the name stored to db like everything else is. Am using an extension called ‘upload’ used to upload photos. If there is another way to approach it, please advice me

HELP Please!!!


Maybe I’m being stupid, but I can’t see an enctype property in the CForm documentation. Should enctype be set like this?

return new CForm(array(










return new CForm(array(







I think the second one is correct.